
Welcoming Bootstrap v1.3

September 17, 2011

After a few weeks of intense work, @fat and I are proud to announce the latest version of Bootstrap, 1.3, with a few new features, a boatload of bug fixes, and—best of all—javascript plugins.

New features

Here’s the lowdown on what’s new to Bootstrap 1.3:

  • Javascript plugins for modals, alerts, dropdowns, scrollspy, tabs, tooltips, and popovers. This is huge—you can now bring Bootstrap to life with interactive design components. They also work with jQuery and Ender.
  • Massively updated docs, for both the main page and for the new javascript plugins. Yes, I consider this a feature—it’s indispensible for developers and designers. More details below!
  • Inline labels for marking inline content with key visual flags
  • Media thumbnails
  • Breadcrumbs

New and updated docs

Now, about those docs: there is a lot of new stuff. We’ve added more example markup and information on how to use Bootstrap’s code with 1.3 and will continue to do so with every release. To that end, here’s an outline of the big changes to the docs:

  • Added complete javascript page with detailed docs for how to use
  • Three complete example pages of using Bootstrap, linked from main docs page with thumbnails
  • Added section for compiling Less, for guidelines on how to recompile Bootstrap with Less
  • Added section for customizing grid variables in Less
  • Added section for code for using pre and code tags
  • Added section for form field sizes that match grid column sizes

When you’re done here, be sure to checkout those beautiful new Bootstrap docs here.

We got (fixed) issues

Also included in 1.3 is a hefty set of resolved issues from GitHub and other important style changes. Fun fact: to date, we’ve closed over 200 issues on GitHub. That’s huge!

  • Updated table styles to be just a tad bit more refined
  • Added new form input sizes based on the Bootstrap grid system (meaning now you can do input.span5 for a 280px-wide input)
  • Removed :focus states from :active links in Firefox
  • Fixed unqualified .clearfix that added bottom margin to all containers
  • Updated .container() mixing to be .fixed-container() to prevent conflicts when compiling
  • Added focus states (either box-shadow or outline on :focus) to all buttons, links, and inputs
  • No longer require h3 in topbar, but still support for backwards compatibility

For a complete list of issues fixed in 1.3, view the milestone on GitHub.

Be sure to take a moment and thank your friendly, neighborhood @fat for all the work he’s put into this release. None of the javascript would be here without him and he’s been instrumental in pushing the development of Bootstrap since day one. He’s a boss. Mad props, broheim.

We’ve also created a new Twitter account, @TwBootstrap, for announcements, feature and release teasing, and open-ended discussion. Be sure to follow along for the latest as we continue on with development.

Now, go checkout the latest Bootstrap on GitHub!

More links: